Preservation Magazine, Spring 2024

Meet Capitol Hill's Historic Preservation Caucus and See What Lies Ahead

Marking the end of an era, Rep. Earl Blumenauer (shown at right), co-chair of the Congressional Historic Preservation Caucus, has announced he won’t run for re-election this year. The Oregon Democrat and ardent preservationist has long served as a leader of the bipartisan caucus, which works to support programs such as the federal Historic Tax Credit and the Historic Preservation Fund.

The group also provides important leadership on Capitol Hill around preservation-related topics such as heritage tourism, urban planning, and real estate development. Rep. Mike Turner, Republican of Ohio, will continue to serve as co-chair. Ask Congress to support the caucus’ work on the Historic Preservation Fund.

Here's a look at the caucus, by the numbers:

2003: Year the caucus was founded by current co-chair Mike Turner and former Rep. Brad Miller, Democrat of North Carolina. It has grown to include 77 members as of press time.

03: Congressional district in Oregon represented by Earl Blumenauer since 1996. The lifelong Portland resident has co-chaired the Historic Preservation Caucus for the past nine years.

The Hon. Earl Blumenauer

photo by: Stephen Voss

Rep. Earl Blumenauer, caucus co-chair, is retiring this year.

3350: Number of the pending House Bill, written by Blumenauer and Turner, to reauthorize the Historic Preservation Fund, the main source of funding for the nation’s historic preservation programs.

36: States and territories—plus Washington, D.C.—represented in the caucus. Massachusetts, New York, and Virginia are tied for the highest number of members at five each.

3,200,000: Jobs created by the federal Historic Tax Credit (HTC) since 1976. The HTC, which generates more money in tax revenue than it costs, is supported by the Historic Preservation Fund.

Headshot Meghan Drueding

Meghan Drueding is the executive editor of Preservation magazine. She has a weakness for Midcentury Modernism, walkable cities, and coffee-table books about architecture and design.

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