Press Release | Washington, DC | March 31, 2015

National Trust for Historic Preservation and Music Industry Coalition Announce Plans to Capture the Stories of Music Row

Formal study will document 60 years of Music Row history

Plans for the development of a definitive, in-depth research document on Music Row’s history will be unveiled in a presentation by the National Trust for Historic Preservation and the Music Industry Coalition on April 2. The study will identify and explain the significance of 400 of Music Row’s buildings and represents the first-ever comprehensive inventory and documentation of the famous corridor. The study will also inform the Metro Planning Department’s recently announced Music Row Design Plan and new street signage and tours that will tell Music Row’s story. The report is scheduled to be completed by the fall of 2015.

In January, 2015, the National Trust for Historic Preservation designated Music Row as a “National Treasure” because of its importance to Nashville’s identity as Music City and to America’s cultural heritage at large. This study is a collaborative endeavor of the National Trust, the Music Industry Coalition, Music Row Neighborhood Association and numerous other partners. The purpose is to compile the established as well as lesser-known stories of the places and people who have contributed to the area’s rich 60-year music history.

“What makes Music Row special are the people and places that were and continue to be central to the making and distributing of the sounds that define Nashville’s relevance in our nation’s music legacy,” says Mike Kopp, chairman of the Music Industry Coalition. “It’s important to take the time and effort to collect these stories so that they may be shared today and for future generations to come. This will also help shape the broader story of Music Row’s cultural legacy here and abroad, and can factor into what the Music Row experience should be like moving forward under a new neighborhood design plan.”

“In addition to this technical research of approximately 400 structures, archival records and publications, we are planning to actively engage people in sharing their stories,” says Carolyn Brackett, senior field officer for the National Trust. “We will be inviting artists, songwriters, musicians, publicists, publishers – anyone with a story to share – to join us as we capture, share and celebrate the diverse voices of Music Row.”

April 2 Event Details:

On April 2, The National Trust for Historic Preservation will present details about the research project, Doug Sloan, Metro Planning Department deputy director, will discuss the Music Row Design Plan, and Tim Walker, Metro Historical Commission executive director, will discuss assistance in designating local landmarks on Music Row.

The public and members of the media are invited to attend.

The meeting will be held from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at The Quonset Hut, 34 Music Square East. Parking is available behind the building.

Project partners include the Nashville Convention and Visitors Corporation, The Danner Foundation, Infill Nashville, Metro Historical Commission and Foundation, Historic Nashville, Inc., Tennessee Preservation Trust and Tennessee Historical Commission.


The National Trust for Historic Preservation, a privately funded nonprofit organization, works to save America’s historic places. | @savingplaces

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