• Show Your Support for the Domes!

    September 8, 2023

    The Mitchell Park Domes in Milwaukee need your support! Milwaukee County leaders will be meeting September 12 to discuss the future of this community landmark, and demolition of the Domes is being considered.

    Milwaukee county residents and people from around the world have consistently voiced their support for saving the Domes since 2017, when county leaders began considering options for the future of these Midcentury Modern gems. The Domes are visited by over 250,000 people per year and are an iconic part of Milwaukee’s skyline.

    Add your name to the petition calling for a preservation solution for the Domes!

    You can also take this County survey to let Milwaukee leaders know that you support saving the Domes.

    Thank you for your support of these Milwaukee landmarks.

    The founding members of the Save Our Domes coalition are Milwaukee Preservation Alliance and the National Trust for Historic Preservation.

  • Major threat to Domes at 12/6 meeting, urgent action needed now

    December 2, 2022

    Our partners at the Milwaukee Preservation Alliance have an urgent update about the Mitchell Park Domes:

    The Domes need you NOW! The 9:00am December 6 meeting of the Milwaukee County Committee on Parks & Culture will include a new resolution that would rescind the County Board's established policy of pursuing repair of the Domes. It will also direct the County to explore options with costs for the future of Mitchell Park and the Domes including demolition, addressing deferred maintenance, full restoration, and implementation of the Domes Task Force Plan and present a report by mid-2023. See the proposed resolution here. While we support exploring paths forward, rescinding the County's established policy of preservation is a dangerous and unfounded step and is not necessary to explore all options. Further, the resolution as written does not require the expertise of any engineers familiar with older buildings nor any participation from the County Board or public.

    We believe the public's consistent support of preservation, numerous studies showing the long term viability of preservation, and cost-reducing opportunities like Historic Tax Credits and partnership-based conservancy models must be thoughtfully considered while developing options for a way forward. A more thoughtful approach would be to hold this resolution until it can be crafted to include additional provisions that provide for the information the Board needs to make informed decisions without rescinding current policy unnecessarily.

    Head over the Milwaukee Preservation Alliance website for ways you can take action to support the preservation of the the Domes.

  • Success! Funding for Domes Planning Included in 2020 Budget

    November 25, 2019

    Thanks to the hard work of Domes supporters, the Milwaukee County Budget for 2020 includes $108,000 for the continued development of a long-term plan to repair and preserve the Domes and revitalize Mitchell Park.

    As Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors Chairman Theodore Lipscomb said, “The Domes are a beloved cultural institution that we have made a commitment to repair and preserve. It is important that we continue to make real progress at the Domes in 2020.”

    While this news represents tremendous progress and will keep up the momentum for saving the Domes, we aren’t out of the woods yet. We’ll continue to keep you updated and ask for your support as planning continues in 2020. If you haven’t already, please sign our petition calling for a preservation solution for the Domes, and share it with your friends.

  • Milwaukee Public Museum Task Force recommendation

    March 19, 2019

    Last week, the Domes were front page news. You may have seen this Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel piece or the other news outlets that reported the consultant to the Milwaukee Public Museum Task Force recommended knocking down the Domes.

    As you might have guessed, “the recommendation of bulldozing the Domes and combining with the museum at a shared facility landed with a thud.”

    The National Trust and Milwaukee Preservation Alliance were happy to see many county elected officials reaffirm that the current County Board policy is still to repair and restore the Domes. As Milwaukee County Board Chairman Theo Lipscomb noted, “The Domes Task Force is involved in a more extensive analysis than the Museum Task Force, and they are charged with drafting recommendations that I believe will lead to the repair and preservation of the Domes.”

    Please mark your calendars for April 3, 2019, when the Milwaukee Public Museum Task Force will hold a joint meeting with the Domes Task Force at 5:30 p.m. at the Gordon Park Pavilion (2828 North Humboldt Boulevard, Milwaukee, WI 53212).

    Prior to the meeting, we will share more information about how Domes supporters can participate and voice their support. The Save Our Domes Coalition firmly believes a future for the Domes based on preservation and rehabilitation would be the most cost-effective and environmentally sustainable approach. Thank you for your support!

  • Statements from Save Our Domes on Proposed Budget Amendments

    October 29, 2018

    On Thursday, October 25, 2018, during the Finance Committee meeting of the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors, the Save Our Domes Coalition read the following statements on two proposed amendments.

    The below statement was in response to Amend Org. Unit No. 9,000—Department of Parks, Recreation, and Culture and Org. Unit No. 1,900—Cultural Contributions-Milwaukee Public Museum. This amendment passed and will now be considered by the full Board of Supervisors:

    We are appreciative of the Milwaukee County Supervisors’ continued focus on the future of the Mitchell Park Domes, a beloved local landmark and nationally significant historic place. As this process moves forward, we would encourage this committee to work as closely as possible with the Domes Task Force, as well as seeking input and engagement from the community.

    As this amendment is discussed, we want to remind supervisors that time and time again, whether at public meetings or through online surveys, the public has voiced their support for protecting the Domes from disinvestment, destruction, and demolition.

    We are confident that as this conversation progresses, rehabilitation will be shown as the most cost-effective and positive outcome for the Mitchell Park Domes. Save Our Domes is eager to be a resource throughout this process, and we look forward to working together to build a successful and vibrant future for this iconic landmark.

    The below statement was in response to Amend Org. Unit No. 3,270—Office of the County Clerk and Election Commission and Org. Unit No. 9,000—Department of Parks, Recreation, and Culture. After discussion by the committee, the amendment was withdrawn before a vote was taken.

    Today, Save Our Domes spoke to the Finance Committee in opposition to the budget amendment proposing a county-wide advisory referendum related to the Mitchell Park Horticultural Conservatory concurrent with the spring election. A public referendum before the Domes Task Force can refine projected costs, potential public-private funding sources, and explore new governance models, would be extremely premature. In addition, the potential to investigate co-location of the Milwaukee Public Museum and the Domes has only just been proposed and should be a factor in these discussions.

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