Raleigh National Cemetery

  • Constructed: 1865
  • Location: Raleigh, North Carolina

The Raleigh National Cemetery is one of four national cemeteries in North Carolina. The seven acre cemetery was established in 1865 and on the site of the former Union military post, Camp Green. Located in the heart of the state's capitol, the cemetery was one of the first places veterans of the Civil War were laid to rest in the Raleigh area. Today, the cemetery is owned and operated by the Department of Veterans Affairs' (VA) National Cemetery Administration. The Trust's HOPE Crew program undertook a masonry repair project at the cemetery in 2014 with The Northwest Piedmont Service Corps providing the crew members and The Historic Preservation Training Center providing both the craft expert and preservation advisor. This project was funded by the National Cemetery Administration. The project restored more than 114 panel sections of the wall: the equivalent of 8.5 miles of brick (39,966 bricks in all)

HOPE Crew at Raleigh National Cemetery

photo by: Nancy Pierce

Masonry repair at Raleigh National Cemetery

“Working on this project means that I am more appreciative of what it takes to make that commitment to serve your country, and to be more appreciative of the sacrifice that was made.”

Mario, Veteran & Corpsmember

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