Take Action! Strengthen the Federal Historic Tax Credit

March 28, 2023

Legislation has been reintroduced in the House and Senate that would make long-overdue changes to the country's Historic Tax Credit (HTC).

As you know, historic tax credits have successfully converted yesterday’s schools, factories, warehouses, hotels, and so many other distinctive places into modern hubs that fuel local economies, create jobs, and preserve our heritage. We now have a chance to make this program even more effective.

Members of Congress have just introduced legislation that will enhance the value of the federal HTC. Both Senate and House bills include provisions to improve access to the credit and increase investment in smaller rehabilitation projects.

Last Congress, HTC-GO attracted a record-setting 104 cosponsors in the House and 15 members in the Senate. The significant base of support that was established in the 117th Congress puts HTC advocacy in a strong position in this Congress.

Public advocacy by supporters like you can make a difference. With sustained advocacy, the preservation community will be well-positioned to take advantage of a very rare opportunity to substantially improve and modernize the federal historic tax credit.

Urge Your Members of Congress to Support Improvements to the Historic Tax Credit!

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