Historic Tax Credit Coalition Buildings Support for HTC-GO Bill in House and Senate

July 26, 2023

Support for the Historic Tax Credit Growth and Opportunity Act (S.639 / H.R. 1785) (HTC-GO) continues to grow as members of Congress are hearing from constituents and advocates in Washington.

New co-sponsors in the House and Senate include Sens. Robert Casey (D-PA) and Diane Feinstein (D-CA) and Reps. Lloyd Smucker (R-PA), Richard Hudson (R-NC), Marcy Kaptur (D-OH), Troy Carter (D-LA), Jimmy Gomez (D-CA), Trent Kelly (R-Mississippi), Garret Graves (R-LA), Dwight Evans (D-PA), Brad Finstad (R-MN), and Betty McCollum (D-MN).

Take the opportunity to thank these members for their support, and encourage others in your Congressional delegation who have not yet cosponsored HTC-GO to do so!

Growing the number of cosponsors of the legislation will show that strengthening the historic tax credit incentive is supported across the political spectrum and would be a well-supported addition to any legislation moving through Congress.

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