African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund: Frequently Asked Questions

Are grants from the African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund available to applicants from any state?

Yes, the Action Fund accepts applications from projects from all U.S. states and territories.

Can organizations submit more than one grant application?

While organizations may submit more than one application, only one project per organization is eligible to receive funding in a grant round. We recommend that applicants submit proposals for their highest priority project.

How can organizations know that they are submitting a competitive Action Fund National Grant Program application?

It is essential that applicants read and familiarize themselves with the grant guidelines prior to beginning the application. Competitive applicants demonstrate a clear understanding of the intent of the National Grant Program and can demonstrate that their projects meet the eligibility criteria. If questions remain regarding project eligibility, you may email

If my organization was awarded a grant from the African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund in a previous grant round, are we eligible to apply again?

Yes, applicants that have previously received grants from any National Trust grant program are eligible to apply for the 2024 grant cycle provided that all grant requirements have been fulfilled and the previous grant has been closed.

Are matching funds required for this Action Fund National Grant Program?

Matching funds are not required, but projects that leverage additional investments (funding or in-kind services) are strongly preferred.

When will I know if my organization received a grant from the Action Fund National Grant Program?

All applicants will be notified of their status via email by early summer of 2024.

Tips and Tricks for the African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund Grant Program

African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund: A Best Practices Exchange (from PastForward 2020)

If this page doesn’t answer your question, please send it to us at

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