Overview of the President’s FY 2025 Budget Request

April 3, 2024

On March 11, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) released the President’s FY 2025 Budget Request.

This request is the first official step in the FY 2025 Federal Appropriations process.

The President’s budget request is just that: a request. This outlines the Administration’s priorities and goals for the coming fiscal year, but it is Congress who officially appropriates, not the President.

For the National Park Service, the FY25 request is $3.6 billion, a net increase of $101.1 million over the recently passed FY 2024 level, an approximately 2.9% increase.

However, this requested increase does not extend to the HPF. The 2025 budget includes $151.4 million for HPF programs, a decrease of $37.266 million – a proposed 20 percent reduction – from the enacted FY 2024 level.

This includes a notable cut to the Save America’s Treasures competitive grant program, as well as zero funding for the Semiquincentennial Celebration grant program. It should be noted the President’s budget does not account for any Congressionally Directed Spending.

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